A ‘knocked-out’ tooth in medical term is re ferred as an avulsed tooth.
Avulsed tooth is a type of dental trauma usually caused by falls, road traffic accidents, sports injuries, or fights.
This is an emergency situation and requires immediate treatment.
If this happens to you or someone else, you need to save the tooth by putting it back in the Socket immediately. If you can’t put it back, keep the tooth moist and contact us for an emergency appointment.
To save your tooth, it is best to have it treated within 30 to 60 minutes of trauma.
If you can’t reinsert, store it in milk until you see us. Don’t store it in water.
You can also store your tooth by pooling saliva in your cheek or under your tongue.
Reinsertion of avulsed tooth is not advised if the tooth is broken. X rays may be needed to check the remaining portion of the avulsed tooth. Similarly reinsertion of baby avulsed tooth is not advised because it may damage the permanent tooth bud inside the Socket.
How do we treat it then?
Once the tooth is reinserted, we will check the position of the tooth and place a splint to anchor it to your adjacent teeth. Root canal treatment may be needed in follow up visits if any infection is present.
Call us at 9840036061 during avulsion emergencies for best treatment and post operative care!!!
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