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Aligners are a type of orthodontic appliance that are used to straighten teeth. They are transparent plastic trays that gradually move your teeth into the desired position Aligners are often used as an alternative to traditional braces and offer a discreet and convenient way to straighten teeth.

One of the most popular types of aligners is Invisalign. Invisalign aligners are custom-made for each patient . They are comfortable, removable, and virtually invisible, making them a popular choice among adults and teenagers . Invisalign aligners use SmartTrack™ material, which provides higher predictability and shorter treatment duration compared to other aligners.

Why aligners are better?

Discreet and convenient: Aligners are transparent plastic trays that are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice among adults and teenagers.

Less impact on speech: Aligners are less likely to affect your speech.

Better oral hygiene: Aligners allow for better oral hygiene, since the toothbrush can easily access all areas of the mouth and isn’t restricted like with braces.

Shorter treatment duration: Aligners have been reported to offer an advantage over fixed appliances in the segmented movement of teeth and shortened treatment duration.


How to Clear Aligners/Invisible Braces Work

Clear aligners, commonly known as invisible braces, progressively reposition your teeth into the ideal position using a series of custom-made, transparent trays. Here's how they work:

Consultation and Planning: The process starts with a consultation with a dentist or orthodontist, who will examine your teeth and discuss your treatment options. They may take impressions, X-rays, and pictures of your teeth to create a detailed treatment plan.

Customized Treatment Plan: A customized treatment plan is created utilizing computerized imaging technology based on the examination results. This plan specifies the motions your teeth must make to achieve proper alignment.

Creation of Custom Aligners: Using the treatment plan, a set of custom-made aligners is developed for you. Each aligner differs slightly from the previous one, using mild pressure to push your teeth into the correct position gradually. Aligners are often composed of a smooth, translucent plastic material for comfort and appearance.

Wearing the Aligners: You wear each set of aligners for around two weeks, at least 20-22 hours per day, removing them only for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. As you proceed through the series, your teeth gradually shift closer to the ideal alignment.

Progress Check-ups: Throughout the treatment, you will have regular check-ups with your dentist or orthodontist to monitor your progress and receive new aligners. These appointments confirm that your treatment is progressing as intended and provide an opportunity for any necessary modifications.

Completion: Once you've worn all of the aligners in the series, your treatment will be complete, and your teeth should be in the desired position. However, some patients may require more refinement aligners to fine-tune their alignment even further.

What is the difference between Traditional Braces & Clear Aligners?

Feature Traditional Braces Clear Aligners
Appearance Visible metal brackets and wires on teeth Nearly invisible, transparent plastic trays
Removability Fixed onto teeth, not removable Removable for eating, brushing, and flossing Removable for eating, brushing, and flossing
Comfort It may cause discomfort and irritation Generally, it is more comfortable, made of smooth plastic
Eating Restrictions Certain foods may need to be avoided No dietary restrictions during treatment
Oral Hygiene Require extra care for cleaning around brackets It is easier to maintain oral hygiene, as aligners are removable
Treatment Time Treatment duration may vary Treatment duration may vary
Adjustment Visits Regular adjustment visits are needed Fewer visits are required for progress check-ups
Suitability Suitable for various orthodontic issues Ideal for mild to moderate orthodontic issues
Cost Cost may be covered by insurance Cost may be covered by insurance
Aesthetic Appeal It may be considered less aesthetically pleasing Highly aesthetic, nearly invisible appearance

Care with Aligners on?

Taking care of your aligners is critical to the effectiveness of your treatment and maintaining good oral health. Here are some tips to care for your aligners.

Cleanliness: Cleaning your aligners regularly will help to avoid germs and plaque buildup. Rinse them with lukewarm water before and after using them. Avoid using hot water since it can cause the aligners to warp.

Brushing: Brush your teeth after meals and before reattaching your aligners. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, thoroughly clean your teeth. Brushing removes food particles and protects the aligners from discoloration.

Flossing: Floss your teeth daily to eliminate plaque and debris between them. Flossing is necessary, especially when using aligners because trapped food particles can create cavities and bad breath.

Avoiding Staining Foods and Drinks: Certain foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and tomato sauce, might stain your aligners. To keep your aligners clear, avoid eating these foods while wearing them.

Avoiding Hot Beverages: Remove your aligners before drinking hot drinks, as heat can cause the plastic to warp. To prevent harm, drink only water when wearing aligners.

Storing Properly: When you're not wearing your aligners, keep them in their proper case to prevent loss or damage. Avoid putting them in tissues or napkins because they are easily mistaken for rubbish and thrown away.

Regular Check-ups: Attend all scheduled appointments with your dentist or orthodontist to track your progress and verify that your treatment is on track. They may also advise you on correct aligner maintenance and handling any issues.

Avoiding Chewing Gum and Smoking: Chewing gum and smoking can stain and harm your aligners. Avoid these habits when wearing your aligners to keep them clear and intact.

Cost of Clear Aligners in India

The cost of clear aligners in Chennai, India, varies depending on numerous aspects, such as the severity of your orthodontic disorders, the complexity of your treatment, the brand of aligners used, and the dental provider's ability. Clear aligner treatment in Chennai typically costs between ₹50,000 and ₹3,00,000 (or more).

What are the factors that may affect the Clear Aligner Cost?

Several factors can influence the cost of clear aligners:

Severity of Misalignment: The complexity of your orthodontic condition influences the cost of clear aligners. More severe misalignments necessitate longer treatment times and more aligner trays, raising the total price.

Treatment Length: The length of your clear aligner treatment influences the overall cost. Extended treatment periods may necessitate additional aligner trays and follow-up consultations, increasing overall costs.

Brand and Quality: Different brands of clear aligners may differ in terms of technology, materials, and treatment results. Some brands may be more expensive but provide additional features or benefits to justify the increased price. Furthermore, higher-quality aligners may result in more precise tooth movements and improved aesthetics.

Dental Provider's Expertise: The dental provider's knowledge and expertise may affect the cost of clear aligner treatment. Orthodontic providers with specialized training or substantial expertise may charge more incredible prices.

Geographic Location: The cost of clear aligners varies depending on the dental clinic's location. Treatment costs may be higher in urban locations or high-cost regions.

Additional Services: Some clear aligner treatments may involve extra services, including dental exams, X-rays, digital scans, and follow-up sessions. These additional services can increase the overall cost of treatment.

Insurance Coverage: While not all dental insurance policies cover orthodontic treatment, some may include partial coverage for clear aligners. It is essential to consult with the insurance provider to determine your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket charges.

Financing Options: Many dental clinics provide payment plans or financing options to help patients finance clear aligner treatment. These choices allow you to spread the expense of treatment over time, lowering your initial financial load.

contact info

No 3, 13th Street, Jayachadran Nagar,
Jalladianpet, Medavakkam,
Chennai - 600 100,
Landmark: Behind Jeyachandran Textiles